Little Vintage Photography Membership
Connect, Share, Learn, SaveAre you looking for...
A thriving analogue photography community?
A friendly, inclusive & supportive space to ask questions?
A way of connecting and sharing at monthly online & in-person meet ups?
Opportunities to exhibit and sell your work as part of a collective?
A discounted rate (unlimited uses!) for B&W Darkroom hire?
A Mini-Darkroom Residency (3x consecutive weekdays 10-4pm) at a discounted rate?
A way of tangibly supporting the future of analogue photography education?
.....Only £12.50 p/m

Darkroom membership
What's included?
- Invitation to international online 'Virtual Film Development Parties' (monthly) with other film photographers around the world (plus recordings to watch on 'catch-up') - Film developers AND non-film developers welcome!
- In-person Baltic Photo Club meet ups (monthly) (Liverpool, L1 0AH, UK) with an opportunity to share your practice
- Public Exhibition opportunities (no/low submission + commission fees to reduce barriers to entry)
- Dedicated online community support & sharing group (Discord)
- Discounted member's hire rate of just £11.66 p/h on every booking you make of the Darkroom & Facilities (see below for more info on the facilities)
- Choose dates that work for you (10-4pm) from availability, via an online calendar system and book with me directly (no fees)
- Support the future of analogue photography education and maintenance of managed darkroom facilities
- Access to an extensive photography magazine and analogue publication lending library to keep you inspired
accessibility & inclusivity
The Liverpool Darkroom is a female-owned, self-contained, fully managed, multi-format B&W darkroom facility
A variety of enlargers from 35mm up to 5x4 Large Format, plus film processing kit, ILFORD print chemistry, flat bed scanner and the option to add on tech support, camera hire, extra photographic paper, chemistry & more.
Membership gives you the discounted hire rate of just £11.66p/h
- Welcoming female-owned and run space and community, open to all persons and any level of knowledge
- Fully ramped non-step access to Darkroom
- Adjustable height desks for accessibility (please request before booking)
- Onsite gender neutral toilet options & shower facility
- Wellbeing Den for breastfeeding or prayer needs
- Basic BSL (Level 1) - training ongoing
Membership currently only £12.50 per month

What do you value?
Joining a thriving analogue photography community?
Having a friendly, supportive and inclusive space to ask questions?
Connecting at monthly online & in-person meet ups?
Opportunities to exhibit and sell your work as part of a collective?
Having a discounted rate (unlimited uses!) for B&W Darkroom hire?
The opportunity to take up a Mini-Darkroom Residency (3x consecutive weekdays 10-4pm) at a discounted rate?
Supporting the future of analogue photography education?
Access to a large lending library of photography publications to keep you inspired?
Membership currently just £12.50 p/m

upcoming events
February 2025
Virtual Film Development Party / Online Meet Up
Thursday 20th Feb (8.30pm UK time)
Baltic Photo Club / In-Person Meet Up
Thursday 27th Feb (5.30-7.30pm)
49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH (enter by 6pm via 92 Degrees Coffee Shop)
3 Day Mini-Darkroom Residency - BOOKED
*All event dates & times subject to change without notice
March 2025
Virtual Film Development Party / Online Meet Up
Sunday 16th March
Baltic Photo Club / In-Person Meet Up
Thursday 20th March (5.30-7.30pm)
49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH (enter by 6pm via 92 Degrees Coffee Shop)
The Photography Show (Excel London) - Talks & Demos
Saturday 8th March - Tuesday 11th March
Panel, Talks & Demos (Cyanotype & Instant Box Camera)
Full list of events HERE
3 Day Mini-Darkroom Residency - GET IN TOUCH
*All event dates & times subject to change without notice
April 2025
Virtual Film Development Party / Online Meet Up
Friday 11th April
Baltic Photo Club / In-Person Meet Up
Date TBA (5.30-7.30pm)
49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH (enter by 6pm via 92 Degrees Coffee Shop)
3 Day Mini-Darkroom Residency - GET IN TOUCH
Cyanotype Workshop
Saturday 19th April
Clever Hands, Liverpool - BOOK DIRECT
*All event dates & times subject to change without notice